Wednesday, 29 June 2011


So so inspired by all these lovely girlies from the youtube community!, I'm thinking about starting one although I don't know if im that brave! I don't know if i did one I'd want 'real life people' knowing except mebs the boyfriend because he see's me looking a tit almost everyday!

But I want to do it so I might, wish I had more followers on here, I have one. I'm basically chatting to myself but thankies one follower! your loved!

I'll probs post a few more things on my blogger today because I'm really bored!

Alice ox


  1. hey! i came across your blog randomly and I was really looking forward to seeing your posts, im really loving them :-) i only just started using this blogging site recently so am new to it all! i might start a blog aswel but i am quite scared haha :-) good luck i hope your blog gets successful! Xc

  2. Thank you lovely! I honestly think you should, I mean I've currently only got 4 followers but it's the fact that I'm part of it that makes it worth while. Thanks so much for following me and leaving such lovely comments! And go for it girl! If anything you've already got one follower right here! :) ox

  3. You should totally make a youtube acc! But when you're ready of course, it can be hard to keep up with, but I can tell you have a great personality so I'm sure it wouldn't be too difficult :)

  4. I really hope you do decide to start a Youtube channel, I'd definitely subscribe. You seem to have such a lovely personality! Good luck x
